The following is a rough transcript which has not been revised by The Jim Rutt Show or Samo Burja. Please check with us before using any quotations from this transcript. Thank you. Jim: Today’s guest is Samo Burja. Samo’s a returning guest. He’s been on several times. One of my favorite people to talk to, … Continue reading Transcript of EP 244 – Samo Burja on Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War →
Continue reading Transcript of EP 244 – Samo Burja on Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War →
Jim talks with Samo Burja about lessons military strategists should take from the Russo-Ukrainian War so far. They discuss why military stockpiles are less useful than previously assumed, the scaling up of drone production, the impossibility of envisioning what tech will be needed, 4 factors that caused Russian miscalculation, offensive vs defensive dominance, the possibility … Continue reading EP 244 Samo Burja on Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War →
Continue reading EP 244 Samo Burja on Lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War →
Jim talks with Samo Burja about the ideas in his recent article “Geothermal Energy Turns Planets Into Power Sources.” They discuss the heat beneath the earth’s surface, contributors to the heat, technological dependency between fracking & geothermal, the math of electricity, earthquake risk, the limits of current geology, the value of better drilling tech, new approaches … Continue reading EP 224 Samo Burja on Geothermal Energy →
Continue reading EP 224 Samo Burja on Geothermal Energy →
The following is a rough transcript which has not been revised by The Jim Rutt Show or Samo Burja. Please check with us before using any quotations from this transcript. Thank you. Jim: Today’s guest is Samo Burja. That’s spelled B-U-R-J-A by the way, for those who want to look him up, it’s not spelled … Continue reading Transcript of EP 224 – Samo Burja on Geothermal Energy →
Continue reading Transcript of EP 224 – Samo Burja on Geothermal Energy →
The following is a rough transcript which has not been revised by The Jim Rutt Show or Samo Burja. Please check with us before using any quotations from this transcript. Thank you. Jim: Today’s guest is Samo Burja. Samo is the founder of Bismarck Analysis, a consulting firm that investigates the political and institutional landscape … Continue reading Transcript of Currents 059: Samo Burja on RU->UKR 23-MAR-2022 →
Continue reading Transcript of Currents 059: Samo Burja on RU->UKR 23-MAR-2022 →
Continuing his series of expert interviews on the Russia-Ukraine War, Jim talks again with Samo Burja about the state of the Russian advance one month in…
Continue reading Currents 059: Samo Burja on RU->UKR 23-MAR-2022 →
The following is a rough transcript which has not been revised by The Jim Rutt Show or Samo Burja. Please check with us before using any quotations from this transcript. Thank you. Jim: Today’s guest is Samo Burja. Samo is the founder of Bismarck Analysis, a consulting firm that investigates the political and institutional landscape … Continue reading Transcript of Currents 054: Samo Burja on the Russia-Ukraine War →
Continue reading Transcript of Currents 054: Samo Burja on the Russia-Ukraine War →
Jim has a timely talk with Samo Burja about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and what it might mean moving forward…
Continue reading Currents 054: Samo Burja on the Russia-Ukraine War →
The following is a rough transcript which has not been revised by The Jim Rutt Show or by Samo Burja. Please check with us before using any quotations from this transcript. Thank you. Jim: Today’s guest is Samo Burja. Samo founded Bismarck Analysis, a consulting firm that investigates the political and institutional landscape of society. … Continue reading Transcript of Currents 034: Samo Burja on the Consilience Project →
Continue reading Transcript of Currents 034: Samo Burja on the Consilience Project →
Samo Burja joins Jim to talk about the Consilience Project: a project that aims to create positive cultural change in unique ways…
Continue reading Currents 034: Samo Burja on the Consilience Project →